Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fed Event: Tuesday Policy Forum Featuring Chris Nidel | “The Role of Tort Law in Regulating Regulations” | April 3rd

The Role of Tort Law in Regulating Regulations

Tuesday Policy Forum

April 3, 2012
12:15-1:30 PM
1207 Van Munching Hall

Christopher Nidel is an environmental attorney. Nidel represents individuals and groups across the country injured or threatened by exposures to toxic chemicals in the workplace and environment. Nidel also represents groups and non-profit organizations on several environmental issues including coal fired power plants and fly ash, groundwater contamination, and natural resource damages.

Nidel has a Bachelors degree in chemical engineering from the University of Virginia and a Masters degree in chemical engineering from M.I.T. After completing his Masters in engineering, Christopher spent five years doing process research and development at a major pharmaceutical company. After attending law school at the University of Virginia, Nidel went to work for Fred Baron, at the premier environmental and toxic tort firm, Baron and Budd in Dallas, Texas.

Fed Event: The Great Recession: Impact on Workers and Retirees | April 24th

The Great Recession: Impact on Workers and Retirees

April 24th, 7:00-8:30pm Lecture | 8:30-9:00pm Reception | Executive Dining Room | 2517 Van Munching Hall (Above Rudy’s Cafe)

During the "Great Recession" that began in late 2007, the U.S. experienced the loss of nearly 9 million jobs, as well as sharp downturns in the stock and housing markets. How have these economic events affected U.S. households? This talk will explore this question, with a particular focus on how job losses and losses in equity and housing markets late in a worker's career may affect his or her retirement decision and subsequent well-being during retirement.

Guest Lecturer, Dr. Courtney Coile, Associate Professor of Economics, Wellesley College
Special Introduction by Nancy K. Kopp, Treasurer, State of Maryland
University of Maryland School of Public Policy and the UMD ADVANCE Program for Inclusive Excellence in conjunction with the
Wellesley Washington Club.
ADVANCE Program for Inclusive Excellence
Advancing women, transforming the University, investing in a culture of inclusive excellence

For more information, visit

RSVP here by Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fed Event: CISSM Movie Night

Next week, CISSM will host a group of students from Moscow's School for International Security and World Politics at the Institute of USA and Canada Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN). This annual visit is a part of CISSM's Collaborative Education and Cooperative Security project, which brings together U.S. and Russian security experts to develop courses, research projects, and interactive teaching techniques that can be used to educate a new generation about enduring problems posed by nuclear policies and emerging security problems associated with globalization.

We cordially invite you to join us and the visiting students for a social evening of pizza and a screening of "A Walk in the Woods" film on Tuesday, April 3, at 7pm in 2509 Van Munching Hall. "A Walk in the Woods" is an award-winning play by Lee Blessing inspired by the 1982 "walk in the woods" taken by U.S. and Soviet arms control negotiators Paul H. Nitze and Yuli A. Kvitsinsky.

Please RSVP if you plan on joining us.

Kind regards,

Fed Event: **EESG Maryland Ecosystem Trading Markets

WHAT: Maryland Ecosystem Trading Markets
WHEN: Friday 12:15 - 1:30pm March 30, 2012
WHERE: 1113 Van Munching Hall
WHO: EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN US! (Please forward to any interested parties)

Nicole F. Angeli will discuss Maryland Ecosystem Trading Markets, particularly the burgeoning Nitrogen and Phosphorus marketplace. The federally mandated Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Chesapeake Bay requires watershed states to comply with nutrient baselines outside projected technological and monetary capacities. A voluntary marketplace for agriculture and industrial facilities to reduce overall nutrient loads may incentivize further nutrient reductions due to cost differentials in Best Management Practices in the different sectors. Nicole will discuss the likelihood of participation by farmers in Maryland based on a 2011 assessment and Financial Companion Tool developed for MDA by herself, Michael Nakamoto (MBA'12), and Sameer Vaswani (MBA '12), and her personal experience consulting for farmers in Maryland over the past 9 months followed by recommendations for making a real impact in kick-starting Chesapeake Bay nutrient markets.

Nicole will receive her M.Sc. this May in Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology from the University of Maryland and has won an NSF-IGERT Traineeship in Applied Biodiversity Sciences at Texas A&M University for Ph.D. studies in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences starting in Fall 2012. Nicole's research focuses on detecting patterns of species distribution correlated to microclimate regimes using survey and remotely sensed data. Broadly, she is interested in why biodiversity is declining worldwide on multiple scales. She is currently a technological nutrient consultant for the Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts.

We look forward to seeing you at our discussion!

Fed Event: **EESG Maryland Ecosystem Trading Markets

WHAT: Maryland Ecosystem Trading Markets
WHEN: Friday 12:15 - 1:30pm March 30, 2012
WHERE: 1113 Van Munching Hall
WHO: EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN US! (Please forward to any interested parties)

Nicole F. Angeli will discuss Maryland Ecosystem Trading Markets, particularly the burgeoning Nitrogen and Phosphorus marketplace. The federally mandated Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Chesapeake Bay requires watershed states to comply with nutrient baselines outside projected technological and monetary capacities. A voluntary marketplace for agriculture and industrial facilities to reduce overall nutrient loads may incentivize further nutrient reductions due to cost differentials in Best Management Practices in the different sectors. Nicole will discuss the likelihood of participation by farmers in Maryland based on a 2011 assessment and Financial Companion Tool developed for MDA by herself, Michael Nakamoto (MBA'12), and Sameer Vaswani (MBA '12), and her personal experience consulting for farmers in Maryland over the past 9 months followed by recommendations for making a real impact in kick-starting Chesapeake Bay nutrient markets.

Nicole will receive her M.Sc. this May in Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology from the University of Maryland and has won an NSF-IGERT Traineeship in Applied Biodiversity Sciences at Texas A&M University for Ph.D. studies in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences starting in Fall 2012. Nicole's research focuses on detecting patterns of species distribution correlated to microclimate regimes using survey and remotely sensed data. Broadly, she is interested in why biodiversity is declining worldwide on multiple scales. She is currently a technological nutrient consultant for the Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts.

We look forward to seeing you at our discussion!

Fed Event: Ron Paul Town Hall

Congressman Paul, hosted by UMD student group Youth for Paul,
will hold a town hall meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2012, at 7:00
p.m., in Ritchie Coliseum. The event is free and open to the public.
However, anyone wishing to attend is encouraged to register at: Those who register will be able
to enter the venue starting at 6:00 pm. The doors will open to the
general public at 6:30 p.m. When the venue reaches its allowed
capacity, doors will close and no reentry will be permitted.

No back packs or large bags, food or beverages should be brought to the

If you have any questions about logistical details, please contact Ms.
Sapienza Barone at

Fed Event. 3/29 in DC

Oral Health Literacy Workshop

When: March 29, 2012 (8:30 AM Eastern)
Where:20 F Street Conference Center (Conference Rooms A&B) • 20 F Street, NW, Washington , DC 20001 Map
Topics:Public Health, Health Services, Coverage, and Access, Quality and Patient Safety, Select Populations and Health Disparities

Roundtable on Health Literacy

Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice
The Institute of Medicine's Roundtable on Health Literacy will host its next workshop on March 29, 2012 at the 20 F Street Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Oral health literacy is the topic of the workshop. A panel of experts in the oral health literacy field will present material on the subject to the Roundtable. The workshop is free and open to the public. If you would like to register to attend, please do so under "attend this meeting". Please see the posted agenda for a schedule of the day.

For more info:

Fed Event: White House Internship Program: Employer Networking and Information Session

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 • 04:00PM - 05:00PM; Location: 3100 Hornbake Library - Multipurpose Room

Event Details:

The White House Internship Program is excited to come to the University of Maryland on March 28!

The White House Internship Program provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. This hands-on program is designed to mentor and cultivate today’s young leaders, strengthen their understanding of the Executive Office and prepare them for future public service opportunities.

The White House Internship Program’s mission is to make the “People’s House” accessible to future leaders from around the nation.
The application period for the Fall 2012 White House Internship Program is now open. Applicants have until April 1, 2012 to apply for a Fall 2012 White House Internship. See “Apply Here” for more details.

Appropriate Attire:
Minimum attire for ALL sessions with employers present is business casual unless otherwise specified.

For additional information about this event: contact Adrianne Bradford at

Fed Event: CISSM Forum, 12:15 PM

"Adaptation and Cost: Effective Cyber-Policy from an Engineering Perspective"

Todd Jones, Congressional Fellow, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Todd Jones serves as a congressional fellow for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence where he advises on science, technology, and cyber issues. Todd comes to the committee from Sandia National Laboratories where he holds the position of Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff in the Defense Systems and Assessments division.

His research interests and experience include the security and performance properties of operating systems and application software, network protocol analysis, and trusted computing technology. Todd holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Wisconsin—Madison.

The CISSM Forum is a weekly policy forum held on Thursdays, from 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm in room 1203 Van Munching Hall, College Park, Maryland. The CISSM Forum is open to the public (no RSVPs required) and is supported by the Yamamoto-Scheffelin Endowment for Policy Research. For further information about the CISSM Forum contact

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fed Event: The Health Professional Team: Windows to the Future”

Students and faculty interested in health care of the future and health related careers are encouraged to attend the panel presentation: “The Health Professional Team: Windows to the Future” featuring health professionals from the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

A panel of UMB faculty will discuss
· their work as health professionals

· UMB programs in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, law, social work and physical therapy.

When: March 29. 6:00pm – 7:30 pm.
Where: 1101 Biosciences Research Building. University of Maryland College Park

Learn about the collaborative approach to health challenges, the broad array of career opportunities in the health professions, and the details of the University of Maryland, Baltimore programs. Hear stories from professionals that describe complex medication related issues, the role of clinical studies and bench research in advancing patient care, how health policy is developed, and the role of inter-professional health care teams.

See panelist information at this site:

Following the panel presentation, presenters will be available for questions and conversation.

This event highlights the MPowering the State collaboration between the University of Maryland, Baltimore and University of Maryland, College Park to increase opportunities for students and strengthen the state’s innovation economy.

For information please contact:
Ann C. Smith. Office of Undergraduate Studies. 301 405-9363.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fed Event: April 3: Public Health Grand Rounds

Please join us for our third Public Health Grand Rounds event of 2011-2012. On April 3, 2012, we will welcome Rear Admiral Penelope Slade-Sawyer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health in the US Department of Health and Human Services. She will be presenting on “Advancing the Health of the Nation: The National Prevention Strategy and Healthy People 2020. These initiatives will guide local, state and federal public health initiatives for years to come.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Eppley Recreation Center, Room 2113 Lecture

2:00 PM–3:00 PM

Reception 3:00–4:00 PM

ICAE@M Spring Colloquium "Homeland Security 2001-2020" | March 28th

Full Agenda: to

Intelligence Center of Academic Excellence Events

Speakers and Programs

CAE@M will sponsor over the course of the year speakers from the national security components of government, support the University’s student-led Intelligence Community Club and Cyber Club in their activities, and host recruiters from federal, state, and local security agencies and departments.


The 2011-2012 (academic year) theme for the Maryland ICAE@M program is “Homeland Security, 2001-2020,” a theme which we believe allowed us to mark the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001, while not focusing solely or principally on a retrospective look. Even within this theme, the University intends, consistent with the creation of the Maryland Cybersecurity Center, to make cybersecurity, in both its technological and policy aspects, a prominent part of the ICAE@M program.

Internship Posting: City Schools' Summer Teacher Fellow and Graduate/Undergraduate Intern Program

City Schools' Summer Teacher Fellow and Graduate/Undergraduate Intern Program for 2012 is now accepting applications. Fellows will be assigned to projects that focus on any number of public education policy issues and challenges. Fellows and graduate interns are placed based on their backgrounds, interests and the needs of the departments. At the conclusion of the summer, fellows and graduate interns will provide a written report for the CEO, summarizing their project and overall experience. Fellows and interns will also be assigned to a work group in which they will participate in researching a policy issue for City Schools and provide recommendations through a public presentation to the CEO and Cabinet members. While providing City Schools with valuable research and project management during the summer, these fellowships and intern opportunities are also designed to encourage talented individuals to pursue careers in or related to public education.

This year’s fellowship/internship period runs from June 19 through August 17. Fellows and interns will be able to work up to 40 hours per week during this period and will be required to attend various meetings and brown bag lunch sessions with Cabinet members. Fellows and graduate interns will make up to $6,880; undergraduates will receive just over $4,000. Requests to work fewer than 40 hours per week or on a flexible schedule will be granted on an individual basis. Graduate interns who will be enrolled in programs during Fall 2012 may be eligible to extend their fellowship into the school year at the discretion of the managing office.

City Schools will accept applications until Wednesday, March 28, through the online application tool. Please search for CEO for a listing of all three positions: CEO Summer Teacher Fellow, CEO Graduate Intern and CEO Intern (Undergraduate).

If you are unable to connect directly through the links above, please find the postings by visiting and clicking the Careers icon in the top navigation bar on the page.

Fed Event: Tuesday Policy Forum Featuring Donald Marron | “Spending in Disguise” | March 27th

Spending in Disguise

Policymakers increasingly pursue social and economic goals through tax incentives rather than spending programs. That blurs the line between traditional notions of spending and taxes. Donald Marron will discuss how large this phenomenon is and its implications for policy debates about the size of government.

Tuesday Policy Forum

March 27, 2012
12:15-1:30 PM
1207 Van Munching Hall

Donald Marron is an expert on U.S. economic policy and federal budgeting. Since joining the Urban Institute, his research has focused particularly on tax reform and America’s long-run fiscal challenges. From 2002 through early 2009, he served in a series of senior government positions, including as a member of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, acting director of the Congressional Budget Office, and executive director of Congress's Joint Economic Committee. He has also taught at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute and the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, consulted on major antitrust cases, and served as chief financial officer of a health care software start-up.

A popular public speaker, Marron appears frequently at conferences and on TV and radio to discuss economic policy. He also works to popularize economics through his blog ( and writings for CNN Money and the Christian Science Monitor. He is the editor of 30-Second Economics, a short book that introduces readers to 50 of the most important theories in economics. He is also an adviser to several start-up companies.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fed Event TODAY!! at 12:15 PM

What has changed in Egypt since the 2011 revolution, and why? What does that mean for the country's future and the future of the Middle East region, as a whole? What role did the Egyptian media play before, during and after the revolution?

Today at Development Circle, Dr. Sahar Khamis - Assistant Professor in the UMD Department of Communication and former Head of the Mass Communication and Information Science Department in Qatar University - will explore these and other questions on the changes and challenges in Egypt one year after Mubarak.

When: Weds, March 14, 2012
Time: 12:15 - 1:20pm
Place: 1203 Van Munching Hall, School of Public Policy
(Lunch will be served)

Hosted by IDEV Council

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fed Event: CISSM Forum on March 15th

CISSM Forum | March 15, 2012
12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
1203 Van Munching Hall

"The Iranian Nuclear Impasse: How Sanctions Affect Iran’s Nuclear Policies"

Ebrahim Mohseni, Doctoral Candidate, Maryland School of Public Policy, and Lecturer, University of Tehran

Ebrahim Mohseni is a PhD Candidate at the Maryland School of Public Policy and a Lecturer on the Faculty of World Studies at the University of Tehran. He is also providing consultancy to various research organizations inside Iran that investigate Iranian public opinion on issues of regional and international significance. As part of his dissertation, Mohseni is investigating the factors that influence Iran’s decision making in regards to its nuclear program and in particular how sanctions have affected Iran’s nuclear policies. Before joining the Maryland School of Public Policy’s PhD program, he was a research associate at the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) where he, along with other PIPA senior staff, designed questionnaires, analyzed survey data, and conducted in-depth surveys on issues of international significance in more than 40 countries, including Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco, the United States, Russia, China, and EU member countries. Mohseni is also the co-author of “People and the Tenth Election,” which investigates Iranian people’s voting behavior in the tenth presidential election of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Mohseni has a Masters of Public Policy and a Graduate Certificate in Intelligence Analysis from the University of Maryland. He also has Bachelors degrees in Political Science and in Economics. He is fluent in Farsi and has a working knowledge of Arabic and Turkish.

The CISSM Forum is a weekly policy forum held on Thursdays, from 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm in room 1203 Van Munching Hall, College Park, Maryland. The CISSM Forum is open to the public (no RSVPs required) and is supported by the Yamamoto-Scheffelin Endowment for Policy Research. For further information about the CISSM Forum contact

Fed Event: Resources for the Future: Environment and Energy Policy

"Resources for the Future: Environment and Energy Policy"

WHAT: Environment and Energy Policy
WHEN: Friday 12:15 - 1:30pm March 9, 2012
WHERE: 1113 Van Munching Hall
WHO: EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN US! (Please forward to any interested parties)

Anthony Paul is an environmental economist and Fellow in the Center for Climate and Electricity Policy at Resources for the Future. His expertise is on environmental policies affecting the electric power sector in the US. His seminar will cover the currently most important federal environmental initiatives related to the power sector. He will discuss both the environmental, especially air pollution, and the economic consequences of these initiatives.

Anthony Paul's Web Page:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fed Event: March 8th

The International Economics and Finance Society, (IEFS) will be hosting a trip to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this Thursday, March 8th. Our tour begins at 2:15 pm at the IMF headquarters in DC.

In order to get there at this time we will be meeting at STAMP at 1pm.
This tour has been raved about by one of our previous speakers, Patrick Cirillo who is the Deputy Chief of Operations in the Secretariat at the IMF. The tour is a great experience that I believe includes a tour of some of the facilities, and a quick video on what the IMF does and some of the big inputs they have made to the history of the United States and across the globe.

If you have not done so already, please send me an email at by TOMORROW AT 7PM with your name, email, cell phone number, citizenship, (which country are a citizen of), date of birth and gender.

The tour should be about an hour long. I suggest bringing a photo ID (preferably a drivers license or passport) to get into the IMF. IEFS will NOT be paying for everyones metro. So please bring cash or a SmarTrip card to pay the fare ($4.80 roundtrip paying with cash, $4.20 roundtrip paying with a SmarTrip card). If you have any questions feel free to contact me at or by phone at (410)-599-8667. Thanks! I hope you all come out!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fed Event: America's Stakes in a Changing Middle East, March 13th

"America's Stakes in a Changing Middle East"

Tuesday, March 13 at 4:00 p.m, The Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center, Orem Hall

The Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development in collaboration with The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences cordially invite you to America's Stake in a Changing Middle East, a Sadat forum featuring:

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Former National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter and Stephen Hadley: Former National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush

Introduced by Jehan Sadat: Former First Lady of Egypt
Moderated by Shibley Telhami: Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development.

Please RSVP:

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed Event: Save the Date--April 18th

National Academy of Engineering Regional Meeting

Government-University-Industry Partnerships in Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship

April 18, 2012, Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland, College Park
Innovation and entrepreneurship have captured the attention of our nation because the future prosperity and quality of life of our citizens in this competitive world depend increasingly on the benefits derived from the development of ideas, products and processes of significant value. The knowledge economy of today relies on the translation of knowledge into value through innovative thinking and entrepreneurial action.

Of all organizations in society research university communities possess the greatest assembly of assets necessary for innovation and entrepreneurship. They extend from human capital to knowledge capital to support services and facilities. Nonetheless, university engagement with industry and government is the key to imbuing budding entrepreneurs and innovators with real-world experiences, and facilitating the translation of ideas, inventions and creations into goods and services of value. This National Academy of Engineering Regional Meeting will explore this needed engagement of universities with industry and government with particular attention to identifying what works and what needs to be fixed.

Session Topics:

Government-University-Industry Partnerships in Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship: What Works and What Doesn’t?

Educating Next Generation Innovators and Entrepreneurs: Expanding Beyond Business, Science and Engineering.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed Event" Brody Forum Presents "Debating the DREAM Act: Rewarding Illegal Immigrants Or Advancing the American Dream?" | March 14

RSVP to Teyanna Munyan at (301)405-4767 or

March 14th:

4:00 PM: Brody Public Policy Forum starts, at the Colony Ballroom at the Stamp Student Union

5:30 PM" Reception in the Colony Ballroom

About the DREAM Acts
The federal DREAM Act, unsuccessfully introduced in Congress a number of times and sharply criticized by most Republicans, would offer a path to citizenship in exchange for showing a commitment to the United States, such as through military service or obtaining a college education. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) introduced the most recent federal DREAM Act bill last year.

The Maryland DREAM Act, enacted into law last year, provides for in-state tuition at public universities for young people who are here illegally. It is currently the subject of a nullification referendum, which is being challenged in court.

The debate will stress both the specific provisions of the laws and the fundamental issues they raise, such as the nature of our diverse American community, the rule of and respect for law, and concepts of fairness toward immigrants as well as native born. These issues are played out within a policy tension between, on one side, a desire to encourage young people here illegally to become productive members of our society and, on the other, the antipathy to rewarding those who have entered this country illegally.


Campus Sponsors
· La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

· Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.

· Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA)

· Office of University Diversity

· Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Graduate Student Association (UMD Department of Education, UMD)

· The Coalition of Latino Student Organizations

· The Policy Student Government Association of the Maryland School of Public Policy (PGSA)

· UMD College Democrats

Off-campus Cosponsors
· Help Save

· Immigrants’ Rights Organization

· Prince George’s County Republican Party

About the Brody Forum
The Norman and Florence Brody Family Foundation Public Policy Forum was established in 1995 through a generous donation to the University of Maryland by Norman and Florence Brody. The Brody Public Policy Forum brings renowned leaders and public policy experts to the University of Maryland to increase discussion and awareness of topics of national and international importance.

Fed Event: EESG 3/2 - Oyster Restoration

WHAT: Discussion with Dr. Ken Paynter on the resotration of oyster populations in the Chesapeake Bay
WHEN: Friday 12:15 - 1:30pm March 2, 2012
WHERE: 1113 Van Munching Hall
WHO: EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN US! (Please forward to any interested parties)

This week at EESG we will hear from Dr. Ken Paynter the director of the Marine, Estuarine, Environmental Sciences graduate program here at UMD. Dr. Paynter is an Associate Professor at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in Solomons, MD part of the University Center for Environmental Sciences. His lab is currently working on a number of projects to help restore oyster populations in the Chesapeake Bay. On Friday, Dr. Paynter will share some of his expertise in the field and discuss his team's approach and progress to restoring the integrity of critical species in the Bay.

We look forward to seeing you at our discussion!
** Your EESG Team