Wednesday, April 30, 2014

International Security and Economic Policy Project Presentations

When: Thu, May 1, 8:40am – 12:00pm
Where: Van Munching Hall, School of Public Policy

This would be a great event for anyone in or interested in joining the School of Public Policy at Maryland. Come watch students present their final projects to get an idea about what the project course entails and what you can learn through the program!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

U.S. Policy in South Asia in the Coming Decade

When: Thu, May 8, 12:15pm – 1:30pm
Where: 1207 Van Munching Hall

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21st Century U.S.-Egypt Strategic Relations Conference

When: Wed, May 7, 1pm – 6pm
Where: Four Seasons Hotel, Washington DC

This was passed on by one of our alumni and current TAs!

21st Century U.S.-Egypt Strategic Relations


“Egypt’s political and economic success is important, of course, not only for Egyptians, but it’s important for the region, for the United States, and the international community.”  John Kerry, Secretary Of State

Keynote Speaker – Amr Moussa

May 7th, 2014, 1pm – 6pm

Four Seasons Hotel, Washington DC

 Speakers include:  Gen. Carter F. Ham, USA (Ret); HE Amb. Yousef Al Otaiba, UAE; Sen. Norm Coleman; Mr. Gamel Helal; Mr. Dante Disparte, Mr. Khush Choksy, Mr. Basil El Baz

Check out the bios for all the participants here :  21st Century U.S.-Egypt Strategic Relations – Biographies 

Join us for in depth look into the current state of Egypt, the challenges the nation faces, and the future outlook for the government and people.

Panel One: U.S. Egyptian Strategic Relations – Moving Forward

Egypt is the most populous and traditionally, one of the most influential countries in the Middle East. The United States has had long-term military, cultural, and economic links with the country. Recently, due in part to lack of knowledge and understanding of political change in Egypt, that relationship has faltered.
This panel will discuss the importance of the relationship, and the key issues both Cairo and Washington will need to build upon to strengthen the partnership.

Chair: Ms. Lara Jakes

Panelists:  Senator Norm Coleman; Mr. Gamel Helal; Congressman Jim Kolbe 

Key Note Speaker: H.E. Amr Moussa

Amr Moussa is a leading Egyptian politician and diplomat who was the Secretary-General of the Arab League from 2001 to 2011. Previously he served in the government of Egypt as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1991 to 2001. Last September, he was elected president of the committee of 50 representing all segments of Egyptian society that authored the new constitution, which was subsequently approved in a referendum in January 2014.

Presentation: Terrorism and the Sinai 

Mr. Zack Gold

Panel Two: Counter-Terrorism & Regional Security

Egypt merits the attention and concern of all nations due to its natural position as the leader of the Middle East and Africa; its counter-terrorism efforts; the importance of securing its borders; the Suez Canal; and its key position on both the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.
This panel will discuss the recent terrorism spike in Egypt, its implications for the region, and what key issues both Cairo and Washington can focus on to overcome this terrorism threat.

Chair: LtGen. John Castellaw, USMC (Ret)

Panelists:  Gen. Carter F. Ham, USA (Ret); HE Amb. Yousef Al Otaiba, UAE

Panel Three: Investment Climate, and Entrepreneurship

Egypt is the largest economic market in the Middle East, with over 90 million people. An open and competitive economy, a politically stable government, and the potential for investment from nations around the world will be key in the growth and the sustainability of Egypt. Not only will this produce stability for the region, but it will also encourage entrepreneurship and the foreign investment that Egypt needs to be a strong American ally.
This panel will discuss the key economic changes Egypt will need to go through, as well as the vast business.

Chair: Mr. Nelson Cunningham

Panelist: Mr. Dante Disparte; Mr. Khush Choksy; Mr. Basil El Baz


The American Security Project is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy and research organization dedicated to fostering knowledge and understanding of a range of national security issues, promoting debate about the appropriate use of American power, and cultivating strategic responses to 21st century challenges. For more information, visit

Israel & Jordan: Engaging and Exploring the Complexities of Global Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership

When: Mon, May 5, 12:15pm – 1:20pm
Where: 1207 Van Munching Hall

Click image to view full-sized:

Monday, April 28, 2014

Why Civil Resistance (Still) Works

When: Thu, May 1, 12:15pm – 1:30pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall

Click image to view full-sized:

Terps Engaging in Service: Non-profit Internship/Career Panel & Networking

When: Wed, April 30, 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Where: University Career Center 3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing

Event Details:
Are you interested in working in the non-profit sector? Are you looking for an internship or career in service? Attend this internship and career panel to hear from and network with professionals who work in local community based organizations!

There will be a panel discussion, followed by networking roundtables. Food and drinks will be provided.
Participating community organizations include:
  • Bread for the City
  • Magruder Park
  • Little Lights
  • Community Forklift
  • Maryland Multicultural Youth Center
  • A Wider Circle
For more questions, please contact Kai Kai Mascarenas at

RSVP for this event: Click here

On Norms and Agency - Conversations about Gender Equality in 20 Countries

When: Wed, April 30, 12:15pm – 1:20pm
Where: 1207 Van Munching Hall

Click on image to view full-sized:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Go Good Challenge Finals

When: Tue, April 29, 7pm – 9pm
Where: Riggs Alumni Center

Federal Semester students may be a little busy that night, but for the Global Semester students, check this out.

Do Good Challenge Finals

This year's finals will be held at the Riggs Alumni Center from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on Tuesday, April 29 (doors 6:30 pm)
Six teams (three from each category) will advance to the Do Good Challenge finals and get the chance to pitch to a packed crowd and high profile judges.
Finalists will be evaluated on the basis of:
  • Impact: Both depth and breadth of impact in terms of money raised, volunteer hours worked, number of people reached or impacted, and more.
  • Leverage: How the team used the Challenge to “do good” for its cause.
  • Creativity: Innovative approach to addressing a social issue.

First Place (for each track): $6,000 for your cause
Second Place (for each track): $2,500 for your cause
Third Place (for each track): $1,000 for your cause

Additional Opportunities:
BSOS "Be the Solution" Audience Choice Award 
The College of Behavioral & Social Sciences (BSOS) is home to 10 diverse, interdisciplinary departments and programs, all committed to investigating and improving the human condition. Our faculty, students and alumni explore and inform the full range of fields in the behavioral and social sciences. While pursuing dramatically different projects and areas of research, each individual in BSOS seeks to Be the Solution to the world’s great challenges. We make a difference by Enhancing International Relations, Advancing Global Sustainability, Understanding Societies and Cultures, and Improving the Human Condition. The team with the most overall votes at the Do Good Challenge Finals will receive the $2,500 BSOS "Be the Solution" Audience Choice Award.
National Scholarship Office – Maryland Leadership and Discovery Grant
Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors who are eligible may also apply for a Maryland Leadership and Discovery Grant with the National Scholarship Office. Awardees will be announced at the Do Good Challenge Finals and could win up to $6,000 to continue their project or venture into the fall. The Do Good Challenge Final Report contains a supplemental application portion with the details for Do Good Challenge teams who are interested in applying for one of these grants. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

European and US approaches to the Ukrainian Crisis

When: Thu, April 24, 12:15pm – 1:30pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall

Click image to view full-sized:

Intelligence Center of Academic Excellence at Maryland Spring Colloquium 2014

When: Wed, April 23, 2pm – 9pm
Where: Riggs Alumni Center

There are many separate events within the time frame that count individually . Click on the image to view full-sized:

StateStat and Performance Management

When: Tue, April 22, 12:15pm – 1:30pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall

Click on image to view full-sized:

Thursday, April 10, 2014

So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End Poverty in America

When: Thu, April 17, 5pm – 6pm
Where: Van Munching Hall Public Policy Atrium

Click on image to view full-sized:

Pakistan's Counterterrorism Challenge

When: Thu, April 17, 12:15pm – 1:30pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall

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Ending Global Poverty and Overcoming the Perils of Aid

When: Wed, April 16, 12:15pm – 1:20pm
Where: 1207 Van Munching Hall

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The Effect of Premarital Law Reforms on Marriage, Divorce and Birth

When: Tue, April 15, 12:15pm – 1:30pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall

Click image to view full-sized:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Public Opinion in Iran

When: Thu, April 10, 12:15pm – 1:30pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall

Click image to view full-sized:

Childhood Interrupted: Conflict-Induced Displacement Shaped Human Capital Formation in Northern Uganda

When: Wed, April 9, 12:15pm – 1:20pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall

Click image to view full-sized:

Choose to Live a Life that Matters: Lessons from Melanie Healey, Fortune's 17th Most Powerful Woman in Business

When: Tue, April 8, 6pm – 7pm
Where: Van Munching Hall - Tyser Auditorium

Click image to view full-sized:

Preserving Maryland's Waters

When: Tue, April 8, 5pm – 6pm
Where: Plant Science Building, Room 1140

The Sustainability Studies Minor is proud to present Preserving Maryland’s Waters, the first panel discussion in the minor’s annual Sustainable Speakers Series.

Marylanders are stewards to three major waterways in the region and the country: the Anacostia River, the Potomac River, and the Chesapeake Bay. These waterways support a vibrant ecosystem, various economic activities, and a deep regional culture. Today, these three bodies of water face diverse challenges, and our decisions on how to manage them will have long-term effects on the sustainability of the entire region.

Join us to discuss the major challenges to Maryland’s iconic waters as we discuss sustainability issues with experts from three of the region’s top environmental groups, each dedicated to preserving the rivers and the bay that we cherish.

  • Lee Epstein, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
  • Matt Logan, Potomac Riverkeeper
  • Dan Smith, Anacostia Watershed Society
Co-sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the School of Public Policy.