Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New Course UNIV399Y: Grassroots Activism

Please see the following description for a new 1-credit course taught by Beyond the Classroom's Graduate Assistant, Amy Fischer, featuring weekly guest speakers and documentaries on grassroots youth activism.  Each week's seminar is open to the public, as well.  If you have any questions, please contact Amy directly (email below).

When: Tuesdays, 7PM-9PM, 
Where: 1104 South Campus Commons
Description: From Ferguson to Guerrero, to Palestine to Hong Kong to the US/Mexico Border, youth are engaged on the frontlines of advancing social change. This seminar series will examine present-day youth leadership in some of the most pressing social justice issues of our time with a particular focus on intersectional movements led by marginalized peoples. Through guest speakers, spoken word, hip-hop, blogs, new media and documentaries, students will learn first-hand from other students and youth who are directly impacted by the social structures they are resisting. Students will develop skills to analyze tactics, strategies, and leadership structures of present-day youth activism while listening to and engaging with the voices of directly impacted youth.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Welcome Back Networking Breakfast

When: Friday, January 30, 9:00am-11:30am
Where: 2407 Marie Mount Hall 
Description: Come out to the Federal/Global Semester Office for a mini reunion and free food with your classmates. As always, office staff will be available to field any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to seeing you Friday! 

Researching Ferguson Update: Previewing MITH’s Teach Ins for #BlackLivesMatter at UMD

WhenTuesday January 27, at 12:30pm
Where0301 Hornbake Library North
DescriptionA MITH Digital Humanities Incubator Roundtable Discussion of our ongoing work with Event-Based Social Media Data and Network Analysis

CISSM Forum - Religious Parties, Gender Equality and the Future of Democratic Politics in the Middle East and North Africa

When: Thursday, January 29, 12:00pm to 1:15pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall
Description: Leila Austin, Ph.D., a SAIS professorial lecturer in Global Theory and History and Middle East Studies, currently serves as deputy director of Cultural Conversations at the Foreign Policy Institute at SAIS. Her research interests include the role of religion, literature and political culture more generally in defining politics and policy making, history and politics of the Middle East and North Africa, and political economic policy in the Middle East and Latin America. 

Research Seminar - The Comparative Interrupted Time Series Design in Evaluation and Public Finance

When: Tuesday, January 27, 12:00pm to 1:15pm
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall
DescriptionThe UMD School of Public Policy hosts research seminars, for faculty members and policy leaders to present research. This week's seminar will be presented by Travis St. Clair.