When: Friday, May 1, 12:30-1:30pm
Where: 0200 Skinner Hall
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34068
Description: The Department of Communication Spring 2015 Colloquium hosts UMD's own Dr. Sarah Oates of the Phillip Merril School of Journalism. She will be speaking on "Russian Propaganda and Political Communication" in Room 0200, Skinner Building at 12:30 p.m. Please join us to hear an expert in political communication and democratization speak on a very interesting topic.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Counterterrorism and Identities: Canadian Viewpoints
When: Thursday, April 30, 12:00-1:15pm
Where: START, 8400 Baltimore Ave., Suite 200
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34047
Description: A group of Canadian researchers will visit START to participate in a discussion about Canadian attitudes toward terrorism and counterterrorism. The discussion will be led with a talk by Jack Jedwab, President of the Association for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Institute of Identities and Migration.
Where: START, 8400 Baltimore Ave., Suite 200
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34047
Description: A group of Canadian researchers will visit START to participate in a discussion about Canadian attitudes toward terrorism and counterterrorism. The discussion will be led with a talk by Jack Jedwab, President of the Association for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Institute of Identities and Migration.
The Real Real World Career Series: Making Your World Meaningful
When: Wednesday, April 29, 7:00-8:00pm
Where: Stamp Student Union, Atrium
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34064
Description: Think you don’t have time to give back at the same time you’re launching your career? Well think again! Come out to this workshop to learn ways in which you can get up and give back to the world. The Real Real World Career Series is designed to prepare current students and young alumni for the realities of it's like to be a professional in the real world outside of the day-to-day job and to provide advice on how to successfully navigate the basics of being a top-notch young professional.
Where: Stamp Student Union, Atrium
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34064
Description: Think you don’t have time to give back at the same time you’re launching your career? Well think again! Come out to this workshop to learn ways in which you can get up and give back to the world. The Real Real World Career Series is designed to prepare current students and young alumni for the realities of it's like to be a professional in the real world outside of the day-to-day job and to provide advice on how to successfully navigate the basics of being a top-notch young professional.
Digitizing the Cairo Genizah Collections: Dr. Roni Shweka
When: Wednesday, April 29, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Where: Hornbake Library, Room 0301 (MITH)
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34060
Description: The Cairo Genizah is a unique treasure trove of medieval Jewish manuscripts, comprising about 250,000 fragments written mainly in the 10th to the 13th centuries. This collection has been digitized by the Friedberg Genizah Project almost in full, producing some 450,000 digital images.The lecture will introduce this collection and present some of the modules and tools that have been developed for automatically extracting data from the digital images, joining the dispersed fragments, and locating fragments by a specific handwriting.
Where: Hornbake Library, Room 0301 (MITH)
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34060
Description: The Cairo Genizah is a unique treasure trove of medieval Jewish manuscripts, comprising about 250,000 fragments written mainly in the 10th to the 13th centuries. This collection has been digitized by the Friedberg Genizah Project almost in full, producing some 450,000 digital images.The lecture will introduce this collection and present some of the modules and tools that have been developed for automatically extracting data from the digital images, joining the dispersed fragments, and locating fragments by a specific handwriting.
Frontiers of Globalization and Governance Series
When: Wednesday, April 29, 4:00-6:00pm
Where: McKeldin Library, Special Events Room (6th Floor)
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=33967
RSVP: http://bahai.umd.edu/events/apr29-2015
Description: The Bahá'í Chair for World Peace presents the Frontiers of Globalization and Governance Series with Amitav Acharya, Ph.D. and Virginia Haufler, Ph.D. Amitav Acharya, Ph.D., the UNESCO Chair in Transnational Challenges and Governance and Professor of International Relations at American University in Washington, D.C., will lecture on "Global Governance in a Multiplex World." Virginia Haufler, Ph.D., the Associate Professor in Government and Politics and the Director of Global Communities at University of Maryland, College Park, will discuss "Private Authority in Global Governance."
Where: McKeldin Library, Special Events Room (6th Floor)
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=33967
RSVP: http://bahai.umd.edu/events/apr29-2015
Description: The Bahá'í Chair for World Peace presents the Frontiers of Globalization and Governance Series with Amitav Acharya, Ph.D. and Virginia Haufler, Ph.D. Amitav Acharya, Ph.D., the UNESCO Chair in Transnational Challenges and Governance and Professor of International Relations at American University in Washington, D.C., will lecture on "Global Governance in a Multiplex World." Virginia Haufler, Ph.D., the Associate Professor in Government and Politics and the Director of Global Communities at University of Maryland, College Park, will discuss "Private Authority in Global Governance."
MAPP Lecture: Ingrid Gould Ellen, The Future of U.S. Housing Policy
When: Monday, April 27 at 7pm-830pm
Where: Architecture Building, Auditorium 0204
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34066
Description: The Urban Studies and Planning program is hosting “The Future of U.S. Housing Policy,” a presentation and discussion by Ingrid Gould Ellen, Professor and Director of the Urban Planning Program at NYU Wagner, and Faculty Director of the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy.
Where: Architecture Building, Auditorium 0204
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=34066
Description: The Urban Studies and Planning program is hosting “The Future of U.S. Housing Policy,” a presentation and discussion by Ingrid Gould Ellen, Professor and Director of the Urban Planning Program at NYU Wagner, and Faculty Director of the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy.
Grant Writing Workshop
When: Tuesday, April 28, 8:30am-4:00pm
Where: Stamp Student Union, Room 2208 (Jimenez Room)
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=33928
RSVP: http://goo.gl/forms/Cu26QdIAB4
Description: Session 1 8:30-11:30 am: WRITING SUCCESSFUL GRANTS For those who are new to the grant game, this introductory workshop covers basic principles of good grant writing, starting with the phrasing of a compelling research theme to the actual construction of the proposal itself. Session 2 1-4 pm: STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS IN SPONSORED RESEARCH In addition to sharpening their writing skills, grantseekers must focus on the relational issues that are key to success. Workshop contains 3 interactive modules on matching and talking to agencies, and evaluating proposals.
Where: Stamp Student Union, Room 2208 (Jimenez Room)
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=33928
RSVP: http://goo.gl/forms/Cu26QdIAB4
Description: Session 1 8:30-11:30 am: WRITING SUCCESSFUL GRANTS For those who are new to the grant game, this introductory workshop covers basic principles of good grant writing, starting with the phrasing of a compelling research theme to the actual construction of the proposal itself. Session 2 1-4 pm: STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS IN SPONSORED RESEARCH In addition to sharpening their writing skills, grantseekers must focus on the relational issues that are key to success. Workshop contains 3 interactive modules on matching and talking to agencies, and evaluating proposals.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Islam Rooted: Screening and Discussion
When: Wednesday, April 22 at 6 p.m.
Where: McKeldin's Special Events Room
Link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Islam-Rooted/1421642268150209?__mref=message_bubble
Description: The film showcases the voices of local Muslims who celebrate, uphold, and enthusiastically pursue knowledge through education. We intend for the film to accurately capture the true experiences and sentiments of Muslims on our campus, and bring increased understanding and awareness to our student body.
Where: McKeldin's Special Events Room
Link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Islam-Rooted/1421642268150209?__mref=message_bubble
Description: The film showcases the voices of local Muslims who celebrate, uphold, and enthusiastically pursue knowledge through education. We intend for the film to accurately capture the true experiences and sentiments of Muslims on our campus, and bring increased understanding and awareness to our student body.
Arts & Humanities Dean's Lecture Series- Art, Peacebuilding and Social Change
When: Thursday, April 23, 5:30-7:00
Where: Gildenhorn Recital Hall, Clarice Smith PAC
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=33951
Description: A lively mix of performance art, video and talk will showcase international activists who are strategically using art for social justice and post-traumatic healing. Nigel Osborne, one of the UK’s leading composers and founder of the University of Edinburgh Institute for Music in Human and Social Development, creates operas to help traumatized people in Palestine, Georgia and Uganda. Wendy Sternberg left a medical career to start Genesis at the Crossroads, using arts as vehicles for peacebuilding, humanitarianism and education worldwide. Jelani, a teacher-artist-scholar, stages and studies an array of art forms for healing post-traumatic stresses of inner city children and the descendants of African-American slaves who travel to African slave ports.
Where: Gildenhorn Recital Hall, Clarice Smith PAC
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=33951
Description: A lively mix of performance art, video and talk will showcase international activists who are strategically using art for social justice and post-traumatic healing. Nigel Osborne, one of the UK’s leading composers and founder of the University of Edinburgh Institute for Music in Human and Social Development, creates operas to help traumatized people in Palestine, Georgia and Uganda. Wendy Sternberg left a medical career to start Genesis at the Crossroads, using arts as vehicles for peacebuilding, humanitarianism and education worldwide. Jelani, a teacher-artist-scholar, stages and studies an array of art forms for healing post-traumatic stresses of inner city children and the descendants of African-American slaves who travel to African slave ports.
Welcome to the Third Industrial Revolution - Local Motors and the 3D Printed Car
When: Thursday, April 23. The reception will begin at 4:30 pm and the program will start at 5:00 pm
Where: Zupnik Lecture Hall, Rm. 1110 in the Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building.
Link: http://eng.umd.edu/events/wt-archives/2015-Rogers
RSVP: https://clarkschool.wufoo.com/forms/whitingturner-lecture-john-rogers/
Description: Jay Rogers is the co-founder and CEO of Local Motors, a next-generation U.S.-based car company that is changing the way cars are designed, built, and sold.
Where: Zupnik Lecture Hall, Rm. 1110 in the Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building.
Link: http://eng.umd.edu/events/wt-archives/2015-Rogers
RSVP: https://clarkschool.wufoo.com/forms/whitingturner-lecture-john-rogers/
Description: Jay Rogers is the co-founder and CEO of Local Motors, a next-generation U.S.-based car company that is changing the way cars are designed, built, and sold.
Masha Gessen on the Boston bombers
When: Monday, April 20, 4:00-5:30pm
Where: McKeldin Library, Special Events Room 6137
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=33954
Description: Masha Gessen, the Russian-American journalist whose newest book profiles the Boston Marathon bombers, will discuss her research at a free event open to the public. The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy explores the motives of the Russian-immigrant Tsarnaev brothers, one of whom died following the 2013 bombing, and the other who was tried in Boston and last week found guilty of all 30 counts against him. Gessen is known for her LGBT rights and free speech activism and opposition to Russian president Vladmir Putin.
Where: McKeldin Library, Special Events Room 6137
Link: http://www.freestuff.umd.edu/events.cfm?mode=detail&eventID=33954
Description: Masha Gessen, the Russian-American journalist whose newest book profiles the Boston Marathon bombers, will discuss her research at a free event open to the public. The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy explores the motives of the Russian-immigrant Tsarnaev brothers, one of whom died following the 2013 bombing, and the other who was tried in Boston and last week found guilty of all 30 counts against him. Gessen is known for her LGBT rights and free speech activism and opposition to Russian president Vladmir Putin.
BA/MPP Information Session
When: Monday, April 20, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Where: 1524 Van Munching Hall
RSVP: http://www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/prospective-students/bampp-prospective-information-session
Description: Join the School of Public Policy for a Prospective Student Info Session for the BA/MPP Program
Where: 1524 Van Munching Hall
RSVP: http://www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/prospective-students/bampp-prospective-information-session
Description: Join the School of Public Policy for a Prospective Student Info Session for the BA/MPP Program
CISSM Forum/Development Circle - From Fragility to Resilience
When: Thursday, April 23, 12:00pm to 1:15pm
Where: School of Public Policy Atrium, Van Munching Hall
Link: https://www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/events/cissm-forumdevelopment-circle-fragility-resilience
Description: On February 2, 2015, Nancy Lindborg was sworn in as president of the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP). Prior to joining USIP, she served as the assistant administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA) at USAID.
Where: School of Public Policy Atrium, Van Munching Hall
Link: https://www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/events/cissm-forumdevelopment-circle-fragility-resilience
Description: On February 2, 2015, Nancy Lindborg was sworn in as president of the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP). Prior to joining USIP, she served as the assistant administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA) at USAID.
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