Save the Date for University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Health IT Research Distinguished Speaker Series event mHealth Research & Opportunities at NIH
When: Tuesday, 11/27/2012 @ 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Where: Van Munching Hall, University of Maryland, College Park Campus
Wendy J. Nilsen, PhD
Health Scientist Administrator, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research/NIH
Send an email to Faye Baker at
Seminar Abstract:
Using mobile technologies to more rapidly and accurately assess and
modify behavior, biological states and contextual variables has great
potential to transform medical research. Recent advances in mobile
technologies and the ubiquitous nature of these technologies in daily
life (e.g., smart phones, sensors) have created opportunities for
research applications that were not previously possible (e.g.,
simultaneously assessing behavioral, physiological, and psychological
states in the real world and in real-time). The use of mobile
technology affords numerous methodological advantages over traditional
methods, including reduced memory bias, the ability to capture
time-intensive longitudinal data, date- and time-stamped data, and the
potential for personalizing information in real-time. However,
challenges in mobile health (or mHealth) research exist. Importantly,
much of the work being done in mHealth arises from single disciplines
without integration of the behavioral, social sciences and clinical
research fields. Without integration, mobile technologies will not be
maximally effective. Dr. Wendy Nilsen, Health Scientist Administrator
at National Institutes of Health, will discuss the work being done at
NIH to advance mHealth and opportunities for innovative research in
this domain.
*Lunch will be provided
Speaker Bio
Wendy Nilsen, Ph.D. is a Health Scientist Administrator at the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR). Wendy's scientific focus is on the science of human behavior and behavior change, including: utilizing mobile technology to better understand and improve health, adherence, the mechanisms of behavior change and behavioral interventions in complex patients in primary care. More specifically, her efforts in mobile and wireless health (mHealth) research include: leading the development of the NIH mHealth Public-Private Partnership, convening meetings to address methodology and barriers to the utilization of mobile technology in research; serving on numerous federal mHealth initiatives; and, leading the mHealth training institutes. Wendy is also the chair of the Adherence Network, a trans-NIH effort to enhance and develop the science of adherence. She is also a member of the Science of Behavior Change, Health Economics and HMO Collaboratory working groups. These projects are initiatives funded through the NIH Director's Common Fund that target behavioral and social sciences research to improve health across a wide range of domains. Wendy also chairs the NIH Integrating Health Strategies workgroup that supports the science of behavioral treatments for 'complex patients' in primary care.
About the COEHITR
The University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Health Information Technology Research (COEHITR) is an interdisciplinary initiative with a mission to accelerate health promotion and health care transformation through the research, design, development and integration of health information and decision technologies. The initiative addresses issues of health care quality, cost, patient safety and access, as well as health literacy, health equity and health promotion.
The University of Maryland, between its College Park and Baltimore campuses, has a wealth of research capabilities and resources that are collectively coming together in this effort. The initiative is being co-led by the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems at the Robert H. Smith School of Business and the School of Public Health along with a broad Steering Committee representing all campus partners and an external board of advisors.
For more information contact Kenyon Crowley at
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