Monday, January 28, 2013

Fed Event-Mary 1st-5th Annual Social Enterprise Symposium

On March 1, 2013, the Center for Social Value Creation will host its 5th annual Social Enterprise Symposium at the University of Maryland. I'm writing today to invite you and all students of the Federal Semester to be participants of this unique event. Please "Save the Date" !
As you may know, the Symposium is one of the largest annual events on campus, and one of the biggest on social responsibility and social value creation in the Washington DC area. The Symposium covers a range of topics from sustainability to social entrepreneurship, and explores the role of business as a driver of both economic prosperity and positive social and environmental change. It attracts students and faculty from all disciplines, as well as entrepreneurs, nonprofit and corporate leaders, philanthropists, and the local community. (Last year’s event drew 1,200 registrants - more than doubling attendance from the year prior - and in 2013 we’re expecting even more!)

The Symposium will take place on Friday, March 1, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m and feature two independent keynotes from industry leaders, twelve break-out sessions, our annual “No Limits” Social Impact Pitch Competition, guided “sustainable campus” tours with our friends at the Office of Sustainability, a catered networking reception (newly revamped to create a more lively and engaging atmosphere for students and professionals), and so much more.

Registration will open in early January via the Social Enterprise Symposium website (currently under construction with updates)

Thank you very much! We hope to see you on March 1!
P.S. We’d love your support in promoting the event. Here are four ways you can help.

1. Copy the description below and share it with your colleagues
2. Promote the event on Facebook (
3. Tweet about it! (Use hash tag #SES13 and @CreatingValue)
4. Print or share the attached flyer

The Center for Social Value Creation, part of the Robert H. Smith School of Business, is holding its fifth annual Social Enterprise Symposium at the University of Maryland on March 1, 2013! The event brings together over 1,000 students and professionals, and is considered one of the largest events on social responsibility and social value creation in the Washington DC area.

Developed with the input of University of Maryland MBA's and undergraduates, the symposium aims to create a dialogue among future leaders, students, professionals, and other stakeholders about the role of business in creating lasting social and environmental change. It is an event where entrepreneurs, nonprofit and corporate leaders, philanthropists, and students can learn and challenge what they know about building sustainable solutions to the pressures of the 21st century.

The day will be packed full of engaging speakers, enriching content, hands-on workshops, and so much more. If you're interested in social value creation, sustainability, and entrepreneurship, this is the place to be! So mark your calendars, and we'll see you there! To learn more, and to register, visit Registration is FREE to all UMD students, staff and faculty and will be available in early January, 2013.

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