Events Week of October 19
FGS Events:
Partnership for Public
Service Workshop: Federal Resume, Informational Interview, and Elevator Speech
When: Monday, October 19 (7:00-8:20pm)
Where: 0102 Tydings Hall
Description: The Federal and Global Semester will be hosting a
three in one workshop covering the following topics:
1 - Federal Resume
2 - Informational Interview, and
3 - Elevator Speech
The Partnership for Public Service (PPS) and their team of
experts from federal agencies will conduct the workshop and will share great
tips on how to craft a federal resume, how to land and ace an informational
interview and elevator speech. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and
ask questions from the experts.
RSVP: Click here to RSVP!
UMD Events:
Grunig Gala
When: Tuesday, October 20 (5:00-8:30pm)
Where: Adele H. Stamp Student Union, Colony Ballroom
Description: Join us at the Grunig Gala as we discuss crisis communications in context of last year’s deadliest Ebola epidemic in history.
Listen to Grunig’s first-ever female keynote speaker, Kathy Lewton, talk about her lessons learned from the Ebola hysteria from a public relations perspective, and network with professionals from Johns Hopkins Hospital, the Baltimore Ravens, Newseum, Brandlink DC, Edelman, Ketchum, Lockheed Martin and more at our 17 roundtables. A LinkedIn photo booth will be there to enhance the networking opportunity with professionals.
Attire is business casual. The Gala is free and open to everyone.
The tentative schedule is below:
5:00- 6:30 p.m.: Roundtable Discussions
6:30-7:30 p.m.: Social Hour
7:30- 8:30 p.m.: Keynote Speaker (Kathy Lewton)
Language Career &
Internship Fair 2015
When: Wednesday, October 21
Where: Adele H. Stamp Student Union,
Colony Ballroom
Description: Don't miss
the 7th Annual Language Career & Internship Fair! The University Career
Center & The President's Promise partners with the School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures ( and the Graduate Studies in
Interpreting and Translation ( program to produce this annual
event, which connects students and alumni with 40+ employers interested in
candidates with language skills and/or cross-cultural career interests.
Note: While pre-registration is not
required, it is suggested.
Benefits of pre-registration:
Appear in C4T calendar
Get noticed by your top 10 employers
View current available jobs &
Allow employers to view your resume
before meeting you, and much more!
How to Find an Internship
When: Wednesday, October 21 (4:00-5:00pm)
Where: Hornbake Library, South Wing, University
Career Center & The President's Promise, Room 3100
Description: Not sure where to start with your internship search? Or, do you
feel like you are at a standstill and unsure about the next steps in your
search? To help you with your internship
search, we will discuss:
Specific resources available to research internship opportunities in non-profit, government and corporate sectors
Quick tips on making a positive first impression on resumes and during interviews
Strategies to connect with UMD alumni working within your intended career field.
Specific resources available to research internship opportunities in non-profit, government and corporate sectors
Quick tips on making a positive first impression on resumes and during interviews
Strategies to connect with UMD alumni working within your intended career field.
CISSM Forum/Development
Circle: “The Rapidly Changing Policy Landscape in Peace, Conflict, and
When: Thursday, October 22 (12:00-1:15pm)
Where: 1203 Van Munching Hall
Description: Robert D. Lamb is a
visiting research professor at the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies
Institute (SSI), a nonresident senior fellow (and former director of the
Program on Crisis, Conflict, and Cooperation) at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS), and a nonresident research scholar at the Center
for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM). A former Defense
Department strategist, Dr. Lamb studies governance, international development,
and conflict with an emphasis on complex crises, informal processes, and hybrid
political and economic systems. His research has included the effectiveness of
civilian assistance, private-sector development, and stabilization programs in
complex environments; gang governance, violence, and legitimacy in the
stateless slums of MedellĂn, Colombia; and subnational governance and stability
in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Dr. Lamb owns a private consultancy (RD Lamb LLC)
and is an adviser to a sustainable investment firm (Cornerstone Capital). He
earned a Ph.D. in policy studies from the University of Maryland School of
Public Policy in a program combining security, economics, and ethics. He
received a B.A. from Gettysburg College, evaluated microdevelopment projects in
Nicaragua, covered business and finance as a journalist, and won a 2001
National Press Club award before changing careers after 9/11. He tweets as
School of Public Health
Graduate Open House
When: Friday, October 23
Where; School of Public Health
Building, 2nd Floor Lobby
Description: With more than 25 different graduate degrees and programs to
choose from, the University of Maryland School of Public Health offers many
paths toward becoming a public health professional. Join us for an open house
to explore our graduate opportunities, including a growing array of Master of
Public Health concentrations. Meet SPH faculty and students and learn about how
we are tackling complex public health issues in partnership with local and
global communities.
D.C. Events:
How the “Internet of
Things” is transforming the global economy
When: Wednesday, October 21
Where: Brookings Institution, Saul
Room/Zilkha Lounge, 1775 Massachusetts Ave. NW.
Description: The “Internet of Things” — defined as
the connection of objects to a network, and each other, without using a
computer — allows unprecedented access to and connectivity across wide swaths
of the world economy. Coupled with mobile broadband networks, the Internet of
Things is poised to revolutionize the world in a very brief period of time,
leading to several salient questions: what does this next generation of
technology innovation mean for the business sector, governments and everyday Internet
users? How are these developments relevant to the United States’ and other
nations’ efforts to reform education, support health care, reduce opportunity
gaps in low income communities, and expand economic opportunity for everyone?
What might be the economic implications both domestically and internationally?
How can governments and mobile providers unlock the potential of the Internet
of Things?
On October 21, the Center for
Technology Innovation at Brookings will host a discussion on the ways that the
Internet of Things, fueled by mobile broadband technologies, can have a
far-reaching impact on education, American and global business, and the digital
After the session, panelists will take
audience questions.
Working in Washington:
Fall Grad Fair
When: Thursday, October 22 (5:30-7:30pm)
Where: Pheonix Park Hotel, 520 North Capitol St. NW, Washington
Description:With roughly 65% of members of Congress, nearly half
of House chiefs of staff and 40% of legislative directors and senior
legislative assistants boasting advanced degrees, is graduate school the way to
get ahead on Capitol Hill?
Join us for a panel discussion about the benefits of pursuing a
graduate degree to advance your career in Washington. Hear from Hill staffers
on how a graduate school can increase your knowledge and expand your network.
Additionally, learn about the perks (and caveats) of taking out student loans
while working on the Hill.
Brad Fitch, President & CEO, Congressional Management
Sarah Arbes, Deputy Health Policy Director, Senate HELP Committee,
Majority Staff
Jillian Smith, Business Development Manager, Congressional
Federal Credit Union
PLUS: Throughout the evening, network with representatives from
top graduate schools in Washington, D.C. and around the country.
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