Monday, October 26, 2009

Federal Event: Palestine Center Annual Conference, Friday, 11/13/09

Federal Event: The Palestine Center's Annual Conference: The Erasure of Palestine
Friday, 13 November 2009, from 8 am to 5 pm
at The Jerusalem Fund, 2425 Virginia Ave, NW Washington, DC
*Pre-Registration Required at Students should register early, as space is limited.

To be receive credit for a Federal Event, students should concentrate their reaction paper on the last speakers, between 3 - 5 pm, who will discuss on the role of the international community and U.S. policy.

The Zionist movement and the Israeli state are in the last stages of achieving effective sovereignty over all historic Palestine. The Israeli nomenclature, “Judaization” of the land, first entered general public discourse in 1976. We must acknowledge that we are witnessing the Judaization of what remains to Palestinians of historic Palestine (with the possible exception of the Gaza Strip). Failure to understand the process of Judaization, on one hand, and the concomitant erasure of Palestinian wujud (existence) in all its forms, on the other hand, dooms all of us to continue granting Israel and its supporters the power to accomplish the process of negating Palestinian identity and nationhood.

It is the intention of this conference to underscore the reality we are facing by: first, examining and illuminating current Palestinian existence in historic Palestine; second, by truthfully and candidly pursuing the historical process of the Judaization of the country; and third, by exploring the roles available to people seeking justice for the Palestinian people.

Register Today! Attendance is by pre-registration only. Guests without registration confirmations will not be admitted. We encourage you to register early as registration may be cut off as space is limited. Registered participants should plan to arrive early the day of the conference to secure parking and seating.

The Palestine Center is an independent think-tank committed to communicating reliable and objective information about the Palestinian political experience to American policy makers, journalists, students and the general public. Established in 1991, it is the educational program of the Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development.

The Palestine Center brings together people and resources within the American and Palestinian communities to educate about Palestine and the Palestinian peoples ongoing quest for sovereignty on their land, civil and political rights and an end to Israeli occupation. The need for an organization such as The Palestine Center can be found in the effects of the economic, cultural and political oppression Palestinians have endured and which continues on a daily basis in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the surrounding refugee camps and for Palestinians world-wide as they struggle to retain their homeland. Palestinians ability to maintain their daily lives and strengthen their democratic political system depends on international humanitarian and non-governmental organizations such as The Palestine Center and The Jerusalem Fund.

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