Friday, August 14, 2009

Welcome to the Federal Fellows Internship Support Blog!

Welcome back from what was hopefully a relaxing summer! Our goal is for this blog to ease your transition into what will be a busy, but exciting and fruitful year as Federal Service Fellows.

As you know, you will engage in a federally related internship in the spring semester. Though this seems ages away, just try to think back to when classes ended in May and how quickly the summer went by! Also, remember that the process of applying to Federal internships can be intricate and can have earlier deadlines for applications...ergo this Web site!

Throughout the year, we will post federal internship opportunities that relate to our three ridiculously topical seminars: Federal Health Policy, Federal Homeland Security Policy, and U.S. Policy in Israeli-Palestinian Relations. You can search for former internship posts at any time by clicking on a label or using the search tool, both of which are located on the right-hand-side of the page in our menu.

We will also keep you abreast of upcoming workshops offered by our new collaborator, Partnership for Public Service (, the University of Maryland Career Center, and by your local aids/experts Dr. Joan Burton and new grad assistant Joey Manfredo of the Federal Service Fellows Program. All upcoming activities will be listed and regularly updated on the side bar on the right-hand-side of the page.

When your fellow students begin earning internships, we hope that this space will also become a forum for celebration and sharing of experiences. Look for engaging and informational profile pieces throughout the year. We also encourage interested students to offer their own experiences, tips and lessons learned through posts submitted to Joey Manfredo ( for posting.

This blog is just one part of the Program's foray into the digital world. We hope that you will also join as friends on Facebook as well as follow us on Twitter, where we will post announcements on office hours, workshops, and events.

So, in closing:
  • Bookmark us, Friend us, Follow us
  • Visit our new office space at 3103 Susquehanna Hall during the first week of class
  • Set an appointment with Dr. Burton or Joey to begin work on your resume and cover letter

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